
Category Exploring Java – the world’s most populous island

Java is full of beautiful and fascinating natural and man-made attractions ranging from cultural icons dating from the 9th century to accessible and awesome volcanoes. Plus stunning tropical landscapes, absorbing centres of art and culture, and great shopping and food. It also has more than 153 million people (2021) crammed into an area about 60% the size of the Australian State of Victoria.


Drone aerial view ofg Borobudur Buddhist temple
The glory of Borobudur – from abandonment and inundation to rediscovery, restoration and world recognition

The top priority for most visitors to Yogyakarta is to see and experience the wonders of Borobudur and Prambanan, Indonesia’s most famous monuments to faith and past ages. But surprisingly, many of them are only vaguely aware of the extraordinary back-stories of these famous ancient…

Read MoreThe glory of Borobudur – from abandonment and inundation to rediscovery, restoration and world recognition